Wednesday, August 26, 2009

crampy :(

so im 36.5 weeks today, and im kinda crampy, nothing serious. i really hope this little boy waits it out at lesat a few more days. i kno all the babies on jays side came early, and so did i.. so im hoping he just waits till like.. monday. thatd be nice. pretty much any day after sat/sunday would be good. were moving into our new apt this weekend.. so everything is in boxes right now.
hes been acting crazy lately. kinda like how he did with the last full moon. haha im curious as to how hes going to be this full moon, now that hes bigger and is closer to his due date. i cant see him making it to the due date. idk what it is. I can make it, but idk about him. hes so active, and really seems like he just wants out haha.
ok going to go pray he waits another week.. bye

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