Monday, May 18, 2009

ok so last night i went to dinner with jays whole family. it was great. butttt, my chicken was barely even cooked.. it was clear in the middle. CLEAR. ugh. i had a few bites before i saw how raw it was. so gross. i didnt feel sick or anything, so i guess im fine. im going to tell my doctor anyway wednesday just in case.
some good news, jays NH grandparents just bought us a reallly nice dresser that was on sale like crazy. and my grandparents bought us a crib, bumper and mattress. now i have $60 left to spend and i dont know what to do with it!! i'll figure it out haha. i think im going to get the hamper and diaper stacker, if they match. I can't wait for the crib, and dresser and everything to be set up :D. ok, just a short update. cya!

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