Friday, April 24, 2009

18 weeks 5 days!!

soooo im in my 19th week... so crazy! I went to my first planned parenthood appt last night (had to switch doctors).. it was okay. the nurse/doctor was a complete bitch and wouldnt let me ask a question or just state my concerns. i guess its different when your not speaking to your potential baby deliverer. they just don't seem to care as much i guess. people say, if your on medicaid (which i am) you dont get treated as well as you would with regular insurance. whatever. im human. and im funny, and nice and pregnant. so i dont get why i deserve this rudeness. but anyway. everything went fine, listened to the bebe's heartbeat again.. always love that sound. they're moving around a lot lately. i learned today that a baby sleeps for 20 hours a day in utero. and they develop sleep/awake patterns. thats kinda funny, cause about this time of day, everyday the baby seems to be kicking around a lot more than later on... but it comes and goes. I get "G'mornin!" kicks, and "mommmmy dont take a nap at 3pm againnnn i wanna play!!' kicks, and of course "daddy's homeeee!!!! I hear dadddy!" kicks later in the day. haha. but the nurse/doctor said i shouldnt be feeling anything yet, maybe just some flutters.. i was like oh, ive been feeling little kicks for at least a week or so and shes like "uhm no, its just gas, or little flutters..." ugh ok biyatch. so i was nervous i was going to pass up the time frame to get my blood drawn for my quad screen, but last night they took my blood (yay!) and ill get a call in a week or 2 if anything seems wrong. the quad screen tests for 4 different chromosomal defects 3  of them being down syndrome, trisomy 18 and tay sachs (i forgot the 4th.. oops) . and i scheduled my big sono appt for may 4th :) soo happy! i would have liked to get it done on jays b-day (may 1st) but i am lucky i got an appt this soon!! yayyy. so 10 days, including today, till we find out if i have a little boy in there or a little girl. ive been feeling like its a boy.. but we'll see. alllrighty then. ill probably post a survey in 2 mins.. so "see" ya soon!

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